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1-Week Update: Styling My Naturally Relaxed Hair

Straight hair is NOT all that. Exactly one week ago, I straightened my hair naturally using a DIY Plantain and Okra Hair Mask. I did not know at the time that plantain was a natural hair straightener, and was very disappointed to see that my natural curls had a looser pattern to them.

Oh well! When life gives you lemons, you made lemonade, right? So, I am all about embracing my hair still, but all the while secretly hoping that I can get my curls back through moisture retention methods. I'll update you on how those go.

As the week went by, I began to appreciate SOME of the advantages of having lightly straightened hair. 👌


1. My hair was less dense. Because the coily (bumpy) texture of my curls had been relaxed and laid flatter, my hair felt lighter. I could easily grab a handful of my hair and put it up in one without having to grab it in sections.

2. My hair straightens out quickly, making detangling easier. Once I put my hair in a style that can stretch it, like an updo or twist out, and I take it down, it is nicely stretched. This is effective for detangling and further styling.

3. My hair has a blown-out effect without heat. For anyone who likes to have elongated hair without direct heat, this is a good option for you. Your hair will look stretched so easily that there will be no need for heat application.

👉 If you want to replicate my Plantain and Okra Hair Mask, you can find the recipe here.

👉 To hear exactly why I DON'T like natural hair straighteners, click here.


Until my next post,


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