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Defining My Natural Hair Blogger Brand

It takes time to learn anything worth learning, and building a blogging brand is no exception. In this post, I share how I narrowed my focus and found my target audience that would help to build my brand.

I became a Natural Hair blogger almost by accident. It really wasn't my intention to blog per se, but I had a deep desire to educate people about natural hair care, and I eventually figured that the only way I could do was to...start a blog.

With VERY limited Grenadian natural hair bloggers, my inspiration basically came from North American blogging brands. I gained quite a bit of knowledge over a few months about blogging, branding, Instragram-ing, YouTube-ing and much more. It became a bit overwhelming at one point because I was not at an advanced stage in my blogging life, and so my gains were not substantial.

After a bit too much comparing myself with others and what THEY were achieving as opposed to what I was achieving, I made the decision to withdraw from almost all of my Facebook advice communities (groups), and focus on my personal vision for my brand.

What it taught me:

Almost immediately, I saw what I wasn't seeing all the time - I saw the reality of my situation. My blog was a learning tool for Grenadians, and my target audience was located mostly in Grenada. As simple as it sounds, I had not taken the time to examine MY blogging world as opposed to the blogging world that I looked at on social media. All I knew was essentially foreign-based, even if it was from the Caribbean.

If I wanted to make an impact in the Grenadian natural hair care sector, I would have to learn about MY home market, not the American or Caribbean market (at least not to start off). I had not even researched social media to find out about any Grenadian bloggers because, again, I had placed myself (too early) in foreign-based groups.

In creating a new product, you need to choose carefully what you expose yourself to in the early stages of development. You need to gain advice and tips about building a strong brand - of course! - but accumulate that advice in stages. If you are just starting out, i can be intimidating to watch more accomplished individuals who have already made great strides.

That's why I had to walk away (well 'unjoin') from the majority of groups I had entered. But, as I said - that was the best decision I made.

I began to ask myself the important questions that every blogger should ask themselves:

(a) Who is my target audience?

(b) Where is that audience located?

(c) What are the hashtags that will connect me to my audience?

(d) Which other Grenadian bloggers can I collaborate with, or emulate?


Guided by these focused questions, I earnestly sought out and was successful in identifying relevant Instagram hashtags, and I have discovered a few Grenadian bloggers and even a couple of vloggers! I was even pleasantly surprised one day by an Instagram comment from a fellow Grenadian blogger who shared how good it was to find a Grenadian blogger. Awww!

Blogging is relatively new in the natural hair care industry in Grenada, so basically, there were very few hashtags that I came across. I came across #grenadianblogger, #spicynaturals and #grenadiannaturals. Caribbean-wide, I found #caribbeanyoutuber and #caribbeangirlswhoblog.

Strategically, I had to create a few of my own hashtags to create that Instagram space for my island's growing natural hair community.


There are hundreds of social media platforms being used everyday, but there was no way I was going to engage in all of them. I had to consider several things:

a. Appeal - did I LIKE all of the platforms? As a blogger, you are still a person with likes and dislikes. If you are happy using a particular social media site, chances are you will not be as engaging as you could be with your followers.

b. Mastery - did I know HOW to use these platforms? I am familiar with a few sites, and I am still learning how to maximise their full capability to enhance my brand. I will not take on another site unless I was comfortable in its use.

c. Time - did I have the TIME to dedicate to maintaining an online presence on all of these sites?

d. My Audience - which sites are my audience using to communicate with me? Why would I go onto a new platform and have no one there interested in my content?

Narrow my focus:

Another strategic decision I made was to narrow the focus of my posts. As a natural hair blogger, there are several aspects of hair that I can talk about. I have chosen to focus on using all-natural products and simple hairstyles.

I do have a ways to go in building my blogger brand. It takes finances, collaborations, opportunities, equipment and time, to name a few things. I do intend, however, to continue sharpening my skills to produce quality product for a quality audience.


Until my next post,

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