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Video: Elongate Your High Puff

Regardless of the type and length of your hair, this method is guaranteed to make your high puff longer. I originally created this method in an attempt to ease up my fragile edges from the tension I was placing on them whenever I put my hair back with a headband. An unexpected bonus was that I found that it also made my high puff much longer.

What I do:

1. I separate my hair into two sections - the middle area and the outer edges. I do this with a comb usually, but in this case, I used my fingers since my hair was not very detangled.

2. I secure the middle section of my hair with a georgette (hair tie)

3. I add the outer sections of hair to the puff by gently combing and brushing them up.

4. When my outer hair is all gathered up, I use another hair tye to gently secure this extra hair around the puff.


I go a step further and really make this a protective style for my ends as well, by covering them with a stocking cap.

Until my next post,

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