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How I Wear A Head Scarf

The Saving Scarves - that's what I call them, because they can save you from many a bad hair day, or give you the time to rest your hair before its next scheduled manipulation. Scarves come in all sizes, shapes, textures and colours - and don't forget the prices! They range from the ubiquitous kerchief or bandana to silk scarves to shawls. Naturalistas have found ways to make any of them become creative works of art and functionality on their heads.

Some people may just use silk or satin scarves as protective sleep wear for their hair. Others rock their scarves in the daytime turning many a head as they pass by! Some naturalistas again tie their heads during deep conditioning treatments. The heat released by the tightly-wrapped hair is enough to allow deep penetration of an oil-based treatment into the scalp. A search on the internet, or better yet, directly via YouTube, will reveal many (an understatement) ways to tie a head scarf. Napturals85 and VeePeeJay are just two natural hair vloggers who have illustrated how to tie a head scarf. I have tried a thing or two myself, but I must admit that it is a work in progress.

One thing I have found is that if I am wearing a scarf made out of a rough or absorbent material, I need to wear a protective cap on my head to protect my hair from the material.

Go ahead and share pictures of your top headscarf-wearing moments in the comments below!


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