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Hair Benefits of Green Bananas and Saltfish

When last have you eaten green banana and saltfish? Apart from being MY favourite dish on planet Earth, it is a popular dish in the Caribbean dish with a great many variations. Saltfish is properly known as salted codfish. Cod liver oil is extracted from the fresh codfish, and is an excellent natural supplement.

Green bananas are a member of the banana family which also includes plantains. When ripened, green bananas yellow and are a favourite fruit of many. The nutritional properties of the green and ripe bananas vary slightly. Green bananas are not palatable raw, but are usually boiled, steamed or fried. Some persons leave the skin of the banana on whilst cooking to preserve as much nutrititve value as possible. What are the hair health benefits of this tasty dish?

The diagram above clearly outlines the health benefits of this dish of green bananas, plantain, yam, sweet potato and okra. There are additional nutrients resident in each food item, but I made it simple by stating what I think are the key properties for your hair.

The more vegetables you add to your green banana and saltfish dish, the more value you will gain. The featured saltfish souse (saltfish mixture) contains tomatoes, green and red seasoning peppers and onions. A bit of oil of your choice is added to the mixture, and you need to let it consomme (let all the flavours mingle together nicely) before enjoying. The okra (ochro) was steamed with water, garlic and onions. A dash of black pepper was added at the end. You can add cabbage, carrots...virtually anything you want to make this dish YOURS! Here's another version of green banana and saltfish. This one includes red cabbage and raisins.

Q: Have I inspired you to find out the nutritive value of some of your everyday dishes?


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